
The robotis_manipulator package is a library package for controlling the manipulator. This package provides a manipulator class for setting manipulator parameters, and provides some math functions to configure the manipulator controller and a basic trajectory generators that uses minimum jerk. The user makes a class inheriting RobotisManipulator class, and set up the class by using the provided functions and the vurtual classes. The class provides functions such as creating the trajectory, receiving joint positions from the actuators and sending the target positions to the actuators. The open_manipulator_libs package can be refer as an example.


The robotis_manipulator package is supported in ROS and OpenCR environments. User can write own program to control user’s manipulators by using the robotis_manipulator package on ROS environment. If you want to use robotis_manipulator in a more simple development environment, you can use OpenCR, one of the powerful embedded systems. Users can easily take robotis_manipulator in arduino IDE environment that supports OpenCR.

ROS Package

NOTE : The test is done on ROS Kinetic Kame installed in Ubuntu 16.04.

Install Ubuntu on PC

Download and install Ubuntu 16.04 on your PC.

If you need more help with installing Ubuntu, check out the step-by-step guide from the link below.

Install ROS on PC

The following script will allow you to simplify the ROS installation procedure. Run the following command in a terminal window. The terminal application can be found with the Ubuntu search icon on the top left corner of the screen. The shortcut key to open a terminal is Ctrl+Alt+t. After installing ROS, please reboot PC.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/robotis_tools/master/install_ros_kinetic.sh && chmod 755 ./install_ros_kinetic.sh && bash ./install_ros_kinetic.sh

NOTE: In order to check which packages are installed, please check this link out. install_ros_kinetic.sh

If you prefer manual installation, please following the link below.

Install ROS Package

Install the robotis_manipulator package. Run the following command in a terminal window.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/robotis_manipulator.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make

If the catkin_make command has been completed without any errors, all the preparations for using the robotis_manipulator package are done.



Connect PC and OpenCR to micro USB as shown below.

NOTE : Please refer the detailed description of OpenCR.

Arduino IDE Setup

NOTE: This page only explain the setup process of OpenCR of the linux envirnment. If you want to use OpenCR in windows or mac environments, please refer to Arduino IDE for using OpenCR.

Install Arduino IDE(Linux)

Download the latest version of Arduino IDE from the official arduino homepage, and install it. Currently, the OpenCR will be on service in the version 1.6.4 or later.


Then, extract the downloaded file to the desired folder and execute the installation file from the terminal. In this case, the example shown below makes the folder tools in the user’s top folder (~/). This folder will act as the Arduino IDE folder.

$ cd ~/tools/arduino-1.6.4
$ ./install.sh

Set the file path of installed Arduino IDE as an absolute path named PATH in the bashrc file. Here recommends to use gedit editor. (Use another editor, if necessary.) Finally, source it to apply the changes.

$ gedit ~/.bashrc
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/tools/arduino-1.6.4
$ source ~/.bashrc

Run Arduino IDE(Linux)

To run the Arduino IDE on Linux platform, type into the terminal as follows.

$ arduino

Porting to Arduino IDE(Linux)


After Arduino IDE is run, click File → Preferences in the top menu of the IDE. When the Preferences window appears, copy and paste following link to the Additional Boards Manager URLs textbox. (This step may take about 20 min.)


Install the OpenCR package via Boards Manager

Click Tools → Board → Boards Manager.

Type OpenCR into the textbox to find the OpenCR by ROBOTIS package. After it finds out, click Install.

After the installation, “INSTALLED” will be appeared.

See if OpenCR Board is now on the list of Tools → Board. Click this to import the OpenCR Board source.

Port setting

This step shows the port setting for the program uploads. The OpenCR should be connected to the PC and the OpenCR via the USB ports.

Select Tools → Port → /dev/ttyACM0.

WARNING : The last digit value 0 in the string /dev/ttyACM0 might be different depend on the USB connection environment.

NOTE: Please refer to Arduino IDE for using OpenCR(linux) for detailed setting method.

API References

Click here to open the API Reference manual

Usage Tutorials

The robotis_manipulator is a library that stores parameters needed to control a manipulator, and performs kinematics solving, trajectory generation, and actuator communication. This tutorial describes how to use the robotis_manipulator. In this tutorial, we will use open_manipulator_libs created to control OpenMANIPULATOR-X RM-X52-TNM, as an example.

Step1 Make Manipulator Class


class OpenManipulator : public robotis_manipulator::RobotisManipulator
  robotis_manipulator::Kinematics *kinematics_;
  robotis_manipulator::JointActuator *actuator_;
  robotis_manipulator::ToolActuator *tool_;
  robotis_manipulator::CustomTaskTrajectory *custom_trajectory_[CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_SIZE];

  virtual ~OpenManipulator();

  void initOpenManipulator(bool using_actual_robot_state, STRING usb_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0", STRING baud_rate = "1000000", float control_loop_time = 0.010);
  void processOpenManipulator(double present_time);

Create a manipulator class that inherits the robotis_manipulator::RobotisManipulator class. In this example, we created initOpenManipulator and processOpenManipulator as public functions of the class.

Step2 Initialize Manipulator

The InitOpenManipulator function sets the manipulator DH (Denavit-Hartenberg) parameters, kinematics solver, actuator, and trajectory generators. Below is the InitOpenManipulator function of the OpenManipulator class.

void OpenManipulator::initOpenManipulator(bool using_actual_robot_state, STRING usb_port, STRING baud_rate, float control_loop_time)
** Initialize Manipulator Parameter
  addWorld("world",   // world name
          "joint1"); // child name

  addJoint("joint1",  // my name
          "world",   // parent name
          "joint2",  // child name
          math::vector3(0.012, 0.0, 0.017),                // relative position
          math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
          Z_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
          11,        // actuator id
          M_PI,      // max joint limit (3.14 rad)
          -M_PI,     // min joint limit (-3.14 rad)
          1.0,       // coefficient
          9.8406837e-02,                                                        // mass
          math::inertiaMatrix(3.4543422e-05, -1.6031095e-08, -3.8375155e-07,
                              3.2689329e-05, 2.8511935e-08,
                              1.8850320e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
          math::vector3(-3.0184870e-04, 5.4043684e-04, 0.018 + 2.9433464e-02)   // COM

  addJoint("joint2",  // my name
          "joint1",  // parent name
          "joint3",  // child name
          math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0595),                // relative position
          math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
          Y_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
          12,        // actuator id
          M_PI_2,    // max joint limit (1.67 rad)
          -2.05,     // min joint limit (-2.05 rad)
          1.0,       // coefficient
          1.3850917e-01,                                                        // mass
          math::inertiaMatrix(3.3055381e-04, 9.7940978e-08, -3.8505711e-05,
                              3.4290447e-04, -1.5717516e-06,
                              6.0346498e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
          math::vector3(1.0308393e-02, 3.7743363e-04, 1.0170197e-01)            // COM

  addJoint("joint3",  // my name
          "joint2",  // parent name
          "joint4",  // child name
          math::vector3(0.024, 0.0, 0.128),               // relative position
          math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
          Y_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
          13,        // actuator id
          1.53,      // max joint limit (1.53 rad)
          -M_PI_2,   // min joint limit (-1.67 rad)
          1.0,       // coefficient
          1.3274562e-01,                                                        // mass
          math::inertiaMatrix(3.0654178e-05, -1.2764155e-06, -2.6874417e-07,
                              2.4230292e-04, 1.1559550e-08,
                              2.5155057e-04),                                   // inertial tensor
          math::vector3(9.0909590e-02, 3.8929816e-04, 2.2413279e-04)            // COM

  addJoint("joint4",  // my name
          "joint3",  // parent name
          "gripper", // child name
          math::vector3(0.124, 0.0, 0.0),                 // relative position
          math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
          Y_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
          14,        // actuator id
          2.0,       // max joint limit (2.0 rad)
          -1.8,      // min joint limit (-1.8 rad)
          1.0,       // coefficient
          1.4327573e-01,                                                        // mass
          math::inertiaMatrix(8.0870749e-05, 0.0, -1.0157896e-06,
                              7.5980465e-05, 0.0,
                              9.3127351e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
          math::vector3(4.4206755e-02, 3.6839985e-07, 8.9142216e-03)            // COM

  addTool("gripper",  // my name
          "joint4",   // parent name
          math::vector3(0.126, 0.0, 0.0),                 // relative position
          math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
          15,         // actuator id
          0.010,      // max gripper limit (0.01 m)
          -0.010,     // min gripper limit (-0.01 m)
          -0.015,     // Change unit from `meter` to `radian`
          3.2218127e-02 * 2,                                                    // mass
          math::inertiaMatrix(9.5568826e-06, 2.8424644e-06, -3.2829197e-10,
                              2.2552871e-05, -3.1463634e-10,
                              1.7605306e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
          math::vector3(0.028 + 8.3720668e-03, 0.0246, -4.2836895e-07)          // COM
** Initialize Kinematics 
  kinematics_ = new kinematics::SolverCustomizedforOMChain();

    ** Initialize Joint Actuator
    actuator_ = new dynamixel::JointDynamixel();

    // Set communication arguments
    STRING dxl_comm_arg[2] = {usb_port, baud_rate};
    void *p_dxl_comm_arg = &dxl_comm_arg;

    // Set joint actuator id
    std::vector<uint8_t> jointDxlId;
    addJointActuator(JOINT_DYNAMIXEL, actuator_, jointDxlId, p_dxl_comm_arg);

    // Set joint actuator control mode
    STRING joint_dxl_mode_arg = "position_mode";
    void *p_joint_dxl_mode_arg = &joint_dxl_mode_arg;
    setJointActuatorMode(JOINT_DYNAMIXEL, jointDxlId, p_joint_dxl_mode_arg);

    ** Initialize Tool Actuator
    tool_ = new dynamixel::GripperDynamixel();

    uint8_t gripperDxlId = 15;
    addToolActuator(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, tool_, gripperDxlId, p_dxl_comm_arg);

    // Set gripper actuator control mode
    STRING gripper_dxl_mode_arg = "current_based_position_mode";
    void *p_gripper_dxl_mode_arg = &gripper_dxl_mode_arg;
    setToolActuatorMode(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, p_gripper_dxl_mode_arg);

    // Set gripper actuator parameter
    STRING gripper_dxl_opt_arg[2];
    void *p_gripper_dxl_opt_arg = &gripper_dxl_opt_arg;
    gripper_dxl_opt_arg[0] = "Profile_Acceleration";
    gripper_dxl_opt_arg[1] = "20";
    setToolActuatorMode(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, p_gripper_dxl_opt_arg);

    gripper_dxl_opt_arg[0] = "Profile_Velocity";
    gripper_dxl_opt_arg[1] = "200";
    setToolActuatorMode(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, p_gripper_dxl_opt_arg);

    // Enable All Actuators 

    // Receive current angles from all actuators 

  ** Initialize Custom Trajectory
  custom_trajectory_[0] = new custom_trajectory::Line();
  custom_trajectory_[1] = new custom_trajectory::Circle();
  custom_trajectory_[2] = new custom_trajectory::Rhombus();
  custom_trajectory_[3] = new custom_trajectory::Heart();

  addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_LINE, custom_trajectory_[0]);
  addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_CIRCLE, custom_trajectory_[1]);
  addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_RHOMBUS, custom_trajectory_[2]);
  addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_HEART, custom_trajectory_[3]);

Set Robot Parameter

In the robotis_manipulator, the manipulator consists of world, joint components, and tool components, as shown below. world means the base where the manipulator is fixed. Joint components and tool components have a frame and a coordinates, respectively. In the case of the joint component, the coordinates is located on the rotation axis of the joint, and in the case of the tool component, the coordinates is the tool center position (TCP).

In the InitOpenManipulator function, the DH parameters of the manipulator are set as shown below.

** Initialize Manipulator Parameter
addWorld("world",   // world name
        "joint1"); // child name

addJoint("joint1",  // my name
        "world",   // parent name
        "joint2",  // child name
        math::vector3(0.012, 0.0, 0.017),                // relative position
        math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
        Z_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
        11,        // actuator id
        M_PI,      // max joint limit (3.14 rad)
        -M_PI,     // min joint limit (-3.14 rad)
        1.0,       // coefficient
        9.8406837e-02,                                                        // mass
        math::inertiaMatrix(3.4543422e-05, -1.6031095e-08, -3.8375155e-07,
                            3.2689329e-05, 2.8511935e-08,
                            1.8850320e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
        math::vector3(-3.0184870e-04, 5.4043684e-04, 0.018 + 2.9433464e-02)   // COM

addJoint("joint2",  // my name
        "joint1",  // parent name
        "joint3",  // child name
        math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0595),                // relative position
        math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
        Y_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
        12,        // actuator id
        M_PI_2,    // max joint limit (1.67 rad)
        -2.05,     // min joint limit (-2.05 rad)
        1.0,       // coefficient
        1.3850917e-01,                                                        // mass
        math::inertiaMatrix(3.3055381e-04, 9.7940978e-08, -3.8505711e-05,
                            3.4290447e-04, -1.5717516e-06,
                            6.0346498e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
        math::vector3(1.0308393e-02, 3.7743363e-04, 1.0170197e-01)            // COM

addJoint("joint3",  // my name
        "joint2",  // parent name
        "joint4",  // child name
        math::vector3(0.024, 0.0, 0.128),               // relative position
        math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
        Y_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
        13,        // actuator id
        1.53,      // max joint limit (1.53 rad)
        -M_PI_2,   // min joint limit (-1.67 rad)
        1.0,       // coefficient
        1.3274562e-01,                                                        // mass
        math::inertiaMatrix(3.0654178e-05, -1.2764155e-06, -2.6874417e-07,
                            2.4230292e-04, 1.1559550e-08,
                            2.5155057e-04),                                   // inertial tensor
        math::vector3(9.0909590e-02, 3.8929816e-04, 2.2413279e-04)            // COM

addJoint("joint4",  // my name
        "joint3",  // parent name
        "gripper", // child name
        math::vector3(0.124, 0.0, 0.0),                 // relative position
        math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
        Y_AXIS,    // axis of rotation
        14,        // actuator id
        2.0,       // max joint limit (2.0 rad)
        -1.8,      // min joint limit (-1.8 rad)
        1.0,       // coefficient
        1.4327573e-01,                                                        // mass
        math::inertiaMatrix(8.0870749e-05, 0.0, -1.0157896e-06,
                            7.5980465e-05, 0.0,
                            9.3127351e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
        math::vector3(4.4206755e-02, 3.6839985e-07, 8.9142216e-03)            // COM

addTool("gripper",  // my name
        "joint4",   // parent name
        math::vector3(0.126, 0.0, 0.0),                 // relative position
        math::convertRPYToRotationMatrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // relative orientation
        15,         // actuator id
        0.010,      // max gripper limit (0.01 m)
        -0.010,     // min gripper limit (-0.01 m)
        -0.015,     // Change unit from `meter` to `radian`
        3.2218127e-02 * 2,                                                    // mass
        math::inertiaMatrix(9.5568826e-06, 2.8424644e-06, -3.2829197e-10,
                            2.2552871e-05, -3.1463634e-10,
                            1.7605306e-05),                                   // inertial tensor
        math::vector3(0.028 + 8.3720668e-03, 0.0246, -4.2836895e-07)          // COM

To set the DH parameters of the manipulator, use the addWorld, addJoint, addTool, and addComponentChild functions.


void RobotisManipulator::addWorld(Name world_name,
                                  Name child_name,
                                  Eigen::Vector3d world_position = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(),
                                  Eigen::Matrix3d world_orientation = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity());

Sets a world in which the manipulator is fixed. The world refers to a base coordinates point where the manipulator is fixed, and this point can change depending on the state of the manipulator being fixed. One manipulator has only one world coordinates point.


void RobotisManipulator::addJoint(Name my_name,
                                  Name parent_name,
                                  Name child_name,
                                  Eigen::Vector3d relative_position,
                                  Eigen::Matrix3d relative_orientation,
                                  Eigen::Vector3d axis_of_rotation = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(),
                                  int8_t joint_actuator_id = -1, 
                                  double max_position_limit = M_PI, 
                                  double min_position_limit = -M_PI,
                                  double coefficient = 1.0,
                                  double mass = 0.0,
                                  Eigen::Matrix3d inertia_tensor = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(),
                                  Eigen::Vector3d center_of_mass = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());

Add a joint component of the manipulator. The Joint component refers to the components of all joints that run with or without an actuator. The end-effectors located at the end of the manipulator are excluded from the joint component. The position and orientation of the joint component refers to the position and orientation of the rotation axis coordinates where the joint is located.


void RobotisManipulator::addTool(Name my_name,
                                 Name parent_name,
                                 Eigen::Vector3d relative_position,
                                 Eigen::Matrix3d relative_orientation,
                                 int8_t tool_id = -1, 
                                 double max_position_limit =M_PI, 
                                 double min_position_limit = -M_PI,
                                 double coefficient = 1.0,
                                 double mass = 0.0,
                                 Eigen::Matrix3d inertia_tensor = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(),
                                 Eigen::Vector3d center_of_mass = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());

Add a tool component of the manipulator. The tool, called the end-effectors of the manipulator, is mounted at the end of the manipulator, it hasn’t any child component. A manipulator can be configured to have plural tools.


void RobotisManipulator::addComponentChild(Name my_name, Name child_name);

After the addJoint function, add the child component of the component using the addComponentChild function. Used when the joint component has child components other than the child_name already specified in the addJoint function. The tool component does not have child components because it is located at the end of the manipulator.

Add Kinematics Object

In the initOpenManipulator function, the kinematics solving algorithm used to control the manipulator is added as shown below.

** Initialize Kinematics 
kinematics_ = new kinematics::SolverCustomizedforOMChain();

The kinematics solving algorism depends on the user’s manipulator. Therefore, robotis_manipulator is configured so that the user can configure the kinematics solver and test his algorithm. Of course, about the general purpose solving algorithm for the serial linkage structure manipulators, the following kinematics solver class is provided in open_manipulator_libs.

If the user wants to apply his algorithm to own manipulator, user can create a new kinematics solver class. This new class is created by inheriting the robotis_manipulator::kinematics class below.

The kinematics::SolverCustomizedforOMChain class used by OpenManipulator-X consists of the following.

** Kinematics Solver Customized for OpenManipulator Chain
class SolverCustomizedforOMChain : public robotis_manipulator::Kinematics
  void forwardSolverUsingChainRule(Manipulator *manipulator, Name component_name);
  bool chainCustomInverseKinematics(Manipulator *manipulator, Name tool_name, Pose target_pose, std::vector<JointValue>* goal_joint_value);

  virtual ~SolverCustomizedforOMChain(){}

  virtual void setOption(const void *arg);
  virtual MatrixXd jacobian(Manipulator *manipulator, Name tool_name);
  virtual void solveForwardKinematics(Manipulator *manipulator);
  virtual bool solveInverseKinematics(Manipulator *manipulator, Name tool_name, Pose target_pose, std::vector<JointValue>* goal_joint_value);

In order to use all API functions of robotis_manipulator, the following every functions declared as virtual must be written such as in the above kinematics::SolverCustomizedforOMChain class.

Configure each virtual function to do the following:

Add Actuator Object

In the initOpenManipulator function, the actuator classes to be used to control actuators of the manipulator is added as shown below.

  ** Initialize Joint Actuator
  actuator_ = new dynamixel::JointDynamixel();
  // Set communication arguments
  STRING dxl_comm_arg[2] = {usb_port, baud_rate};
  void *p_dxl_comm_arg = &dxl_comm_arg;

  // Set joint actuator id
  std::vector<uint8_t> jointDxlId;
  addJointActuator(JOINT_DYNAMIXEL, actuator_, jointDxlId, p_dxl_comm_arg);

  // Set joint actuator control mode
  STRING joint_dxl_mode_arg = "position_mode";
  void *p_joint_dxl_mode_arg = &joint_dxl_mode_arg;
  setJointActuatorMode(JOINT_DYNAMIXEL, jointDxlId, p_joint_dxl_mode_arg);

  ** Initialize Tool Actuator
  tool_ = new dynamixel::GripperDynamixel();

  uint8_t gripperDxlId = 15;
  addToolActuator(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, tool_, gripperDxlId, p_dxl_comm_arg);

  // Set gripper actuator control mode
  STRING gripper_dxl_mode_arg = "current_based_position_mode";
  void *p_gripper_dxl_mode_arg = &gripper_dxl_mode_arg;
  setToolActuatorMode(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, p_gripper_dxl_mode_arg);

  // Set gripper actuator parameter
  STRING gripper_dxl_opt_arg[2];
  void *p_gripper_dxl_opt_arg = &gripper_dxl_opt_arg;
  gripper_dxl_opt_arg[0] = "Profile_Acceleration";
  gripper_dxl_opt_arg[1] = "20";
  setToolActuatorMode(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, p_gripper_dxl_opt_arg);

  gripper_dxl_opt_arg[0] = "Profile_Velocity";
  gripper_dxl_opt_arg[1] = "200";
  setToolActuatorMode(TOOL_DYNAMIXEL, p_gripper_dxl_opt_arg);

  // Enable All Actuators 

  // Receive current angles from all actuators 

The actuator class for joints were added using the addJointActuator function, and the actuator class for a tool were added using the addToolActuator function. The control mode settings for both classes were set using setJointActuatorMode and setToolActuatorMode functions. The JointDynamixel and GripperDynamixel classes can be used with DYNAMIXEL, otherwise the user will need to create the JointActuator and the ToolActuator for own actuator. Plural JointActuator and ToolActuator classes can be added when various kinds of actuators is used in one manipulator.

Joint Actuator Class

The newly created joint actuator class is created by inheriting the following robotis_manipulator::JointActuator class.

class JointActuator
  bool enabled_state_;

  JointActuator() : enabled_state_(false) {}
  virtual ~JointActuator() {}

  virtual void init(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, const void *arg) = 0;
  virtual void setMode(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, const void *arg) = 0;
  virtual std::vector<uint8_t> getId() = 0;

  virtual void enable() = 0;
  virtual void disable() = 0;

  virtual bool sendJointActuatorValue(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, std::vector<ActuatorValue> value_vector) = 0;
  virtual std::vector<ActuatorValue> receiveJointActuatorValue(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id) = 0;

  bool findId(uint8_t actuator_id);
  bool getEnabledState();

The JointDynamixel class used by OpenManipulator has the following structure.

class JointDynamixel : public robotis_manipulator::JointActuator
  DynamixelWorkbench *dynamixel_workbench_;
  Joint dynamixel_;
  std::vector<AccelerationCalculator> acceleration_calculator_;
  std::vector<LowPassFilter> velocity_filter_;
  double previous_time_;

  virtual ~JointDynamixel(){}

  ** Joint Dynamixel Control Functions
  virtual void init(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, const void *arg);
  virtual void setMode(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, const void *arg);
  virtual std::vector<uint8_t> getId();

  virtual void enable();
  virtual void disable();

  virtual bool sendJointActuatorValue(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, std::vector<robotis_manipulator::ActuatorValue> value_vector);
  virtual std::vector<robotis_manipulator::ActuatorValue> receiveJointActuatorValue(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id);

  ** Functions called in Joint Dynamixel Control Functions
  bool initialize(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, STRING dxl_device_name, STRING dxl_baud_rate);
  bool setOperatingMode(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, STRING dynamixel_mode = "position_mode");
  bool setSDKHandler(uint8_t actuator_id);
  bool writeProfileValue(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, STRING profile_mode, uint32_t value);
  bool writeGoalPosition(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id, std::vector<double> radian_vector);
  std::vector<robotis_manipulator::ActuatorValue> receiveAllDynamixelValue(std::vector<uint8_t> actuator_id);

In order to use all API functions of robotis_manipulator, the following every virtual functions must be written such as in the above JointDynamixel class.

Configure each virtual function to do the following:

Tool Actuator Class

The newly created tool actuator class is created by inheriting the following robotis_manipulator::ToolActuator class.

class ToolActuator
  bool enabled_state_;

  virtual ~ToolActuator() {}

  virtual void init(uint8_t actuator_id, const void *arg) = 0;
  virtual void setMode(const void *arg) = 0;
  virtual uint8_t getId() = 0;

  virtual void enable() = 0;
  virtual void disable() = 0;

  virtual bool sendToolActuatorValue(ActuatorValue value) = 0;
  virtual ActuatorValue receiveToolActuatorValue() = 0;

  bool findId(uint8_t actuator_id);
  bool getEnabledState();

The GripperDynamixel class used by OpenManipulator has the following structure.

class GripperDynamixel : public robotis_manipulator::ToolActuator
  DynamixelWorkbench *dynamixel_workbench_;
  Joint dynamixel_;

  GripperDynamixel() {}
  virtual ~GripperDynamixel() {}

  ** Tool Dynamixel Control Functions
  virtual void init(uint8_t actuator_id, const void *arg);
  virtual void setMode(const void *arg);
  virtual uint8_t getId();

  virtual void enable();
  virtual void disable();

  virtual bool sendToolActuatorValue(robotis_manipulator::ActuatorValue value);
  virtual robotis_manipulator::ActuatorValue receiveToolActuatorValue();

  ** Functions called in Tool Dynamixel Profile Control Functions
  bool initialize(uint8_t actuator_id, STRING dxl_device_name, STRING dxl_baud_rate);
  bool setOperatingMode(STRING dynamixel_mode = "position_mode");
  bool writeProfileValue(STRING profile_mode, uint32_t value);
  bool setSDKHandler();
  bool writeGoalPosition(double radian);
  double receiveDynamixelValue();

In order to use all API functions of robotis_manipulator, the following every virtual functions must be written such as in the above GripperDynamixel class.

Configure each virtual function to do the following:

Add Custom Trajectory Object

Even if you do not add this trajectory generator class, you can create a basic trajectory (TCP, joint) using a minimum jerk, but you need to add a custom_trajectory class to make the manipulator move along your own trajectory. In the initOpenManipulator function, add custom_trajectory to be used to create the manipulator’s path (trajectory) as shown below.

** Initialize Custom Trajectory
custom_trajectory_[0] = new custom_trajectory::Line();
custom_trajectory_[1] = new custom_trajectory::Circle();
custom_trajectory_[2] = new custom_trajectory::Rhombus();
custom_trajectory_[3] = new custom_trajectory::Heart();

addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_LINE, custom_trajectory_[0]);
addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_CIRCLE, custom_trajectory_[1]);
addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_RHOMBUS, custom_trajectory_[2]);
addCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_HEART, custom_trajectory_[3]);

The custom trajectory class is added through the addCustomTrajectory function, and it has kinds of the CustomJointTrajectory class that returns the JointWaypoint as the path value and the CustomTaskTrajectory class that returns the TaskWaypoint as the path value. Each of these classes is created by inheriting the following robotis_manipulator::CustomJointTrajectory and robotis_manipulator::CustomTaskTrajectory classes.

class CustomJointTrajectory
  CustomJointTrajectory() {}
  virtual ~CustomJointTrajectory() {}

  virtual void makeJointTrajectory(double move_time, JointWaypoint start, const void *arg) = 0; 
  virtual void setOption(const void *arg) = 0;
  virtual JointWaypoint getJointWaypoint(double tick) = 0;
class CustomTaskTrajectory
  CustomTaskTrajectory() {}
  virtual ~CustomTaskTrajectory() {}

  virtual void makeTaskTrajectory(double move_time, TaskWaypoint start, const void *arg) = 0; 
  virtual void setOption(const void *arg) = 0;
  virtual TaskWaypoint getTaskWaypoint(double tick) = 0;

When you create a class that inherits from the above classes, you must write the following virtual functions to use the trajectory added through the API function of robotis_manipulator.

Configure each virtual function to do the following:

The Circle trajectory class used in OpenManipulator-X is structured as follows.

** Circle
class Circle : public robotis_manipulator::CustomTaskTrajectory
  robotis_manipulator::MinimumJerk path_generator_;
  VectorXd coefficient_;

  TaskWaypoint start_pose_;
  TaskWaypoint goal_pose_;

  double radius_;
  double start_angular_position_;
  double revolution_;

	Circle() {}
	virtual ~Circle() {}

  void initCircle(double move_time, TaskWaypoint start, double radius, double revolution, double start_angular_position);
  TaskWaypoint drawCircle(double time_var);

  virtual void setOption(const void *arg);
  virtual void makeTaskTrajectory(double move_time, TaskWaypoint start, const void *arg);
  virtual TaskWaypoint getTaskWaypoint(double tick);

Step3 Make Control process Function

Make the manipulator a function of the control process. Although it is possible to write directly from a controller package, it is useful to create a controller package that controls several identical manipulators by pre-populating the process to be used primarily.

In OpenManipulator-X, the process functions are configured as follows.

void OpenManipulator::processOpenManipulator(double present_time)
  JointWaypoint goal_joint_value = getJointGoalValueFromTrajectory(present_time);
  JointWaypoint goal_tool_value  = getToolGoalValue();

  if(goal_joint_value.size() != 0) sendAllJointActuatorValue(goal_joint_value);
  if(goal_tool_value.size() != 0) sendAllToolActuatorValue(goal_tool_value);
  1. The goal_joint_value and goal_tool_value values are returned from the trajectory calculated by the make trajectory functions through getJointGoalValueFromTrajectory and getToolGoalValue. If you used the makeTaskTrajectory function, the inverse kinematics is solved inside of the getJointGoalValueFromTrajectory function.
  2. present joint values and tool value are returned through the receiveAllJointActuatorValue and receiveAllToolActuatorValue. These values are stored in the manipulator_ member variable of the RobotisManipulator class.
  3. Send the goal_joint_value and goal_tool_value values got ​​from getJointGoalValueFromTrajectory and getToolGoalValue to the actuator controller through sendAllJointActuatorValue and sendAllToolActuatorValue functions. This will move the actuator to reach the target position.
  4. Solve the forward kinematics based on the present joint values received through receiveAllJointActuatorValue, receiveAllToolActuatorValue and stored the pose value of components calculated to the manipulator_.

Step4 Use it

Configure the controller package for the manipulator using the classes and functions you created above. For APIs available on the controller, see here. For example, the controller package of OpenManipulator-X running on OpenCR is composed as follows.

#include <open_manipulator_libs.h>
#include "processing.h"
#include "remote_controller.h"

OpenManipulator open_manipulator;
double control_time = 0.010;
double present_time = 0.0;
double previous_time = 0.0;
bool platform_state = true;

void setup()
  // while (!Serial)
  // ;

  log::println("OpenManipulator Debugging Port");

void loop()
  present_time = millis()/1000.0;

  if(present_time-previous_time >= control_time)
    previous_time = millis()/1000.0;

void getData(uint32_t wait_time)
  static uint8_t state = 0;
  static uint32_t tick = 0;

  bool rc100_state = false;
  bool processing_state = false;

  uint16_t get_rc100_data = 0;
  String get_processing_data = "";

  if (availableRC100())
    get_rc100_data = readRC100Data();
    rc100_state = true;

  if (availableProcessing())
    get_processing_data = readProcessingData();
    processing_state = true;

  switch (state)
    case 0:
      if (rc100_state)
        fromRC100(&open_manipulator, get_rc100_data);
        tick = millis();
        state = 1;
      else if (processing_state)
        fromProcessing(&open_manipulator, get_processing_data);
        tick = millis();
        state = 1;

    case 1:
      if ((millis() - tick) >= wait_time)
        state = 0;

      state = 0;
#include <open_manipulator_libs.h>

#define DXL_SIZE 5

typedef struct _MotionWaypoint
  std::vector<double> angle;
  double path_time;
  double gripper_value;
} MotionWaypoint;

std::vector<MotionWaypoint> motion_way_point_buf;
bool processing_motion_state = false;
char hand_motion_cnt = 0;
bool hand_motion_repeat_state = false;
bool platform_state_processing = false;
String global_cmd[50];

void connectProcessing(bool platform)
  platform_state_processing = platform;
  for (int i = 0; i < DXL_SIZE; i++)


  Serial.println("Init Processing");

int availableProcessing()
  return Serial.available();

String readProcessingData()
  return Serial.readStringUntil('\n');

void split(String data, char separator, String* temp)
  int cnt = 0;
  int get_index = 0;

  String copy = data;
    get_index = copy.indexOf(separator);

    if(-1 != get_index)
      temp[cnt] = copy.substring(0, get_index);
      copy = copy.substring(get_index + 1);
      temp[cnt] = copy.substring(0, copy.length());

String* parseDataFromProcessing(String get)
  split(get, ',', global_cmd);
  return global_cmd;

void sendAngleToProcessing(JointWaypoint joint_states_vector)
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)joint_states_vector.size(); i++)
    Serial.print(joint_states_vector.at(i).position, 3);

void sendToolDataToProcessing(ToolValue value)
  Serial.print(value.position * 10);

void sendValueToProcessing(OpenManipulator *open_manipulator)

void fromProcessing(OpenManipulator *open_manipulator, String data)
  String *cmd = parseDataFromProcessing(data);

  if (cmd[0] == "opm")
    if (cmd[1] == "ready")
    else if (cmd[1] == "end")
  ////////// joint space control tab
  else if (cmd[0] == "joint")
    std::vector<double> goal_position;
    for (uint8_t index = 0; index < DXL_SIZE; index++)
      goal_position.push_back((double)cmd[index + 1].toFloat());
    open_manipulator->makeJointTrajectory(goal_position, 1.0); // FIX TIME PARAM
  else if (cmd[0] == "gripper")
    open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", (double)cmd[1].toFloat());
  else if (cmd[0] == "grip")
    if (cmd[1] == "on")
      open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", -0.009);
    else if (cmd[1] == "off")
      open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", 0.009);
  ////////// task space control tab
  else if (cmd[0] == "task")
    if (cmd[1] == "forward")
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.010, 0.0, 0.0), 0.2);
    else if (cmd[1] == "back")
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(-0.010, 0.0, 0.0), 0.2);
    else if (cmd[1] == "left")
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.010, 0.0), 0.2);
    else if (cmd[1] == "right")
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, -0.010, 0.0), 0.2);
    else if (cmd[1] == "up")
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.010), 0.2);
    else if (cmd[1] == "down")
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, -0.010), 0.2);
      open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.2);
  else if (cmd[0] == "torque")
      if (cmd[1] == "on")
      else if (cmd[1] == "off")
  ////////// hand teaching tab
  else if (cmd[0] == "get")
    if (cmd[1] == "clear")  // motion clear
      processing_motion_state = false;
      hand_motion_cnt = 0;
    else if (cmd[1] == "pose")  // save pose
      MotionWaypoint read_value;
      JointWaypoint present_states = open_manipulator->getAllActiveJointValue();
      for(uint32_t i = 0; i < present_states.size(); i ++)
      read_value.path_time = 2.0; // FIX TIME PARAM
      read_value.gripper_value = open_manipulator->getToolValue("gripper").position;
      hand_motion_cnt = 0;
    else if (cmd[1] == "on")  // save gripper on
      open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", -0.009);
    else if (cmd[1] == "off")  // save gripper off
      open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", 0.009);
  else if (cmd[0] == "hand")
    if (cmd[1] == "once") // play motion (once)
      processing_motion_state = true;
    else if (cmd[1] == "repeat") // play motion (repeat)
      hand_motion_repeat_state = true;
    else if (cmd[1] == "stop") // play motion (stop)
      hand_motion_repeat_state = false;
      processing_motion_state = false;
      hand_motion_cnt = 0;
  ////////// motion tab
  else if (cmd[0] == "motion")
    if (cmd[1] == "1")
      TaskWaypoint draw_line_arg;
      draw_line_arg.kinematic.position(0) = 0.02;
      draw_line_arg.kinematic.position(1) = 0.02;
      draw_line_arg.kinematic.position(2) = -0.02;
      void *p_draw_line_arg = &draw_line_arg;
      open_manipulator->makeCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_LINE, "gripper", p_draw_line_arg, 1.0);
    else if (cmd[1] == "2")
      double draw_circle_arg[3];
      draw_circle_arg[0] = 0.03; // radius (m)
      draw_circle_arg[1] = 2;    // revolution
      draw_circle_arg[2] = 0.0;  // start angle position (rad)
      void* p_draw_circle_arg = &draw_circle_arg;
      open_manipulator->makeCustomTrajectory(CUSTOM_TRAJECTORY_CIRCLE, "gripper", p_draw_circle_arg, 4.0);

void playProcessingMotion(OpenManipulator *open_manipulator)
  if(!open_manipulator->getMovingState() && processing_motion_state)
    if(motion_way_point_buf.size() == 0)

    open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", motion_way_point_buf.at(hand_motion_cnt).gripper_value);
    open_manipulator->makeJointTrajectory(motion_way_point_buf.at(hand_motion_cnt).angle, motion_way_point_buf.at(hand_motion_cnt).path_time); 
    hand_motion_cnt ++;
    if(hand_motion_cnt >= motion_way_point_buf.size())
      hand_motion_cnt = 0;
        processing_motion_state = false;
#include <open_manipulator_libs.h>
#include <RC100.h>

RC100 rc100;
double grip_value = 0.0;

void connectRC100()

int availableRC100()
  return rc100.available();

uint16_t readRC100Data()
  return rc100.readData();

void fromRC100(OpenManipulator* open_manipulator, uint16_t data)
  if (data & RC100_BTN_U) 
    open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.007, 0.0, 0.0), 0.16);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_D)
    open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(-0.007, 0.0, 0.0), 0.16);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_L)
    open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.007, 0.0), 0.16);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_R)
    open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, -0.007, 0.0), 0.16);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_1)
    open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.007), 0.16);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_3)
    open_manipulator->makeTaskTrajectoryFromPresentPose("gripper", math::vector3(0.0, 0.0, -0.007), 0.16);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_2)
    grip_value += 0.0020;
    if (grip_value > 0.01f)
      grip_value = 0.01f;

    open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", grip_value);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_4)
    grip_value -= 0.002;
    if (grip_value < -0.01f)
      grip_value = -0.01f;

    open_manipulator->makeToolTrajectory("gripper", grip_value);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_5)
    std::vector<double> goal_position;
    goal_position.push_back(-60.0 * DEG2RAD);
    goal_position.push_back(20.0 * DEG2RAD);
    goal_position.push_back(40.0 * DEG2RAD);
    open_manipulator->makeJointTrajectory(goal_position, 1.5);
  else if (data & RC100_BTN_6)
    std::vector<double> goal_position;
    open_manipulator->makeJointTrajectory(goal_position, 1.0);